I am going to break that trend of not blogging! This week, we have been working on adding chunks to the end of words to make new words. Tomorrow will be adding ing. Mine always try to sound it out (which I am totally thankful for the effort--it just doesn't turn out so well with that particular chunk!) So, this is what I have planned to tackle that skill:
We're going to start with some practice with what ing sounds like. I thought of a bell (ding ding!) I am going to go over that sound annoyingly a bajillion times with them. I made a bell graphic with the ing chunk to hang to remind them if they ever get stuck. You can grab it here:
For my kinesthetic (sp) learners, I;m going to have them *pretend* to flick a bell as they say the sound ing! ing! ing! I even found an app for the ipad..it's called "Bell for Christmas" you can tap the belll & it dings--FREE! We will ding-a-ling to our hearts content to start out with.
Then, I have a Smartboard balloon pop game. They click on the balloons to reveal a word. Next, I'll have them write "ing" with the "rainbow" pen next to the word. My other kiddos will be working on white boards or boogie boards writing their words + ing too. I will probably have a quiet bell-dinger to remind us to add ing each time too. lol, why waste a perfectly good free app?! As soon as I figure out how to post Smart notebook files, I will post the pop game. Until then, shoot me a message or comment with your email if you want it.

And lastly, I found a cute Between the Lions video "without an ing" we can watch. I think we will be just about ing-ed out after all this!!
Sorry this post is so short, but it's waaaaay past my bedtime & I gots to rest up for thparkly vampires tomorrow night!!!
Thanks for the freebie and the video link!
ReplyDeleteGrowing Firsties is having a Pete the Cat Giveaway that benefits Hurricane Sandy Relief!
This is all very adorable. I have to say I LOVE the colours and your banner. You have a wonderful blog. I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Please check out my blog for the details.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the amazing work!
Hi! I also nominated you for the Liebster Award! Stop by my blog to check it out! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving!
Beach Lovin' Teach
I love your bell for ing. I have been using the king of ing, but the bell makes so much more sense. Thanks! I am hoping you might be interested in joining my Winter Exchange Project! I am new to blogging and this is the first "big thing" I'm trying. Please consider joining along. All the info is on my bog: firstgradecarousel.blogspot.com ~Maria
ReplyDeleteI am a first grade teacher in NYC and this week we will be learning about inflectional endings! I would love to use your notebook file! My email is ehlemk@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteLove your ideas. Will you please forward the Smart board balloon pop file.
hey that's so amazing
ReplyDeletegood job thanx
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