
Sunday, May 4, 2014

Freebie Fr-unday! Tracking Student Behavior All Year Long

Yeah, I'm a little late with the freebie Friday, but who doesn't love a freebie?!

Ok, maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself here, but I've already started thinking about next year!  When I taught first grade, we tracked behavior all year long with a color system.  Now that I teach fifth grade, I don't think we need to be using colored calendars each day, but I do think parents need to be communicated with each day about their child's behavior.  Enter the "Husky Expectations" Calendar.

 I've laid out all the classroom expectations, and the consequences for not meeting them.  It's very clear & consistent.  I print out a calendar for every student each month; calendar on the front  and extended behavior log on the back.  Students keep this in a sheet protector in front of their homework folder.  Each afternoon, I write a note to document any behavior issues I had with particular students.  No issues= a stamp or a check....I have a behavior manager for this job.  It literally takes me a minute or so to do this, but it is golden for me in documentation terms.  Students get their parents to initial each night, and I take them up and file them at the end of the month for my records.  Pretty simple!  I made a generic "classroom expectations" version to share, but if there are any more huskies out there who want a "Husky" version.....send me a shout out!  Click any picture to take you to the download link.
Hope these are as useful for you as they've been for me!  Happy Fr-unday!!!

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