
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Daily 5 Book Study 1-2-3

I give in!  I am finally reading the Daily 5, and loving it!  I'll start posting my chapter summaries, but for now you can just hear about the awesomeness of the concept.  In a perfect world, this seems like a great format for a daily reading program.  In the day-to-day craziness of an actual classroom--we shall see.  I am definitely going to give this the old college try this year....hopefully all goes as planned! 


  1. Hey! Congrats on starting your blog!
    Also You will LOVE Daily 5. I started using it 3 1/2 years ago when I was teaching 1st--yep I started it in January with my firsties-and they loved it. I'm now in second and my whole team is doing D5 too. It is fabulous!! :)

  2. awwww....thanks.
    I love the idea, so far :) We've always done workstations; so this seems like a natural progression. We shall see; I'm sure I'll post about it as the year goes on :)
