
Friday, August 3, 2012

Currently....August edition

Farley, over at Oh boy 4th grade has started another "currently linky party."  We all know I love me a good linky party, so here goes.....

After reading that, let me make a few addendum's.  
#1, I drive a VW, not a Maserati.  My hoopty has a Porsche engine, assembled in Mexico.  Nothing compared to the awesomeness that is sitting in my garage now.........drool.     
#2  If you haven't tried songpop yet, it's the most addictive (and absolutely not educational) app since Draw fee!  I am a horrible player though...the object is to identify the song and/or artist as fast as you can.  I, unfortunately, would rather rock out to the song, then press the button to hear the next.  "Wait Songpop, this is my jam!"

BTS Must Haves
1.  Teacher toolbox.  I found mine at Loews and printed out the labels from the coolest chick around, Megan at I teach, what's your superpower?
2.  QR Code scavenger hunt.  I can't tell you how awesome these are.  They take a little planning (but what scavenger hunt doesn't?)  The results are an engaging lesson with a focus on technology....winning!
3.  Personal Paper Cutter.  I CAN NOT, I repeat, can not cut a straight line this has been my savior.  Nothing fancy, I found mine at Tar-jay.
That's it for now!  I'm busy finishing my Brown Bear unit....keep an eye out for it!


  1. I am your newest follower :) Oh my goodness I hope your rotator cuff is healing. So glad you found something that is making it feel better.

    My (Not So) Elementary Life

  2. If only I had all the technology to do a QR scavenger hunt- LOOKS AWESOME! I love my teacher toolbox as well! :)

    Sparkles , Smiles, and Student Teaching

  3. Thanks for sharing! I found you on the August Currently and I am your newest follower. I want a personal paper cutter so badly! Come and check out my Currently!

    Fancy Free in Fourth

  4. I bought a paper cutter a few weeks ago because I can't cut straight to save my life!

    Success in Second Grade
    Don’t forget to check out My Summer in Pictures Linky Party

  5. I want to figure out QR codes - a scavenger hunt looks like fun.
    I am a new follower.

    rubber boots and elf shoes

  6. All hail the paper cutter! I have a little personal one at home, but have so been missing my industrial one that lives in my classroom. That thing is a beast!

    Enjoy the rest of summer and heal up from that torn rotator cuff. Ouch!

  7. Funny, I am loving ice packs right now too - & soft foods. I had a "gum lengthening" surgery yesterday.
    I also teach first grade & I am your newest follower.

  8. I agree with the paper cutter - thanks to my dad, I have one for school now!

  9. I'm your newest follower! My puppers is snoring right next to me as I darn cute!

    Crisscross Applesauce in First Grade

  10. I'm your newest follower! I love my paper cutter too and that teacher tool box is so cute! I'm adding it to my list! Please stop by my site for a visit!

    Heard it Through the Gradevine

  11. A QR scavenger hunt is such a great idea! I just made some posters similar to yours with my school website and classroom website, the parents thought it was so cool, little do they know, it was so easy! haha.
    I'm excited to hear more of your ideas, I'm your newest follower.
    Kindergarten Schmindergarten

  12. Thanks for the link up! I love my teacher toolbox. It was the first thing I filled up when I got back in my room. Your scavenger hunt looks so fun!

    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?
